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Kasompe Councilor celebrates with elderly Citizen


Kasompe Ward Councillor Martin Lombe has graced the Jehovah Sabboth orphanage end of year celebration were over 500 Senior Citizens received food packs and a 25 Kg bag of Mealie-meal each.

Mr Lombe called on other stake holders to come on board and partner with the orphanage which is run single handedly by Mother Mwale.

He said that people should come on board and support the noble cause and help the less privileged in society.

Mr Lombe said that it was a responsibility of the well to do people in society to help the less privilege.

He said people should see to it that these people are well taken care of especially the elderly citizens as they have done their party.

“I am happy to be party of this event where the elderly are recognized and are not neglected by the owners of the orphanage,” he said.