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The Independent Observer > News > Kasompe Airstrip caretaker stones escaping thief to death

Kasompe Airstrip caretaker stones escaping thief to death

Police in Chingola are keeping a Caretaker who has stoned to death a thief that was running away from his pursuers at the Kasompe Airstrip in Chingola.

Copperbelt Police Chief Charity Katanga has confirmed the stoning to death of Christopher Sichinga 45, an ex-convict who was just released two months ago for breaking into a building and committing a felony.

Sichinga early yesterday April 19, 2019 around 03:40 hours went to steal scrap metal at Kasompe Airstrip, the premises that was being guarded by Cobra Security officers.

After being spotted by Cobra Security officers he bolted.

Ms Katanga said that after seeing that the suspect was out running the Cobra Security officers, the Kasompe Airstrip Caretaker Richard Kawina 39, picked a stone and stoned him at the back of the head.

The bolting suspect died instantly.

She said Sichinga had sustained a deep cut on the back of the head.

She said the body of Sichinga was in Nchanga North Hospital mortuary while Kawina was in police custody

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