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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Kapisha ward need development-Geoffrey Mutale

Kapisha ward need development-Geoffrey Mutale

Democratic Party Kapisha ward candidate Geoffrey Mutale says he will make a difference and help sharpen the future for the people of Kapisha ward who are left out in terms of development.

Mr Mutale said that the people of Kapisha are left out of developmental issues and only get bread crumbs from Constituency development fund.

He said he was concerned about Kapisha and wants to ensure the community gets the right services.

Mr Mutale said he will represent the views of the people in is community and ensure that their interests are taken into account in the chambers.

“Iam a young person so what people expect from me as a young leader, is the restoration of hope and confidence which they have lost in young people of our generation, not only that but also to bring about youthful energies and vibes of Justice, peace and equity and above all love as we intend to create a better community,” he said.

He said Kapisha has been left out in terms of meaningful development hence the need to develop it.