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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Kapisha residents calls for completion of a class room block at Luano combined

Kapisha residents calls for completion of a class room block at Luano combined

Some concerned members of the community have called for the completion of a class room block at Luano combined School so that the school can have enough learning infrastructure.

Luano combined school is the nearest school for a number of leaners in Kabuta, Luano, Bupalo and Kapisha ward hence the need for urgent attention.

Speaking in an interview with the Independent Observer, Geoffrey Pande a resident of Kapisha said the school saves learners from covering long distance to access education.

Mr Pande said the school has a lot of challenges ranging from inadequate learning infrastructures, erratic water and lack of toilets making it inconducive for learners.

He has urged the District Education Board Secretary (DEBs) to first put a roof on the block which was built last year so that more learners can be accommodated.

Mr Pande said the school is almost neglected as most of the facilities need improvement.

And another resident Christabel Chisupa said that the school population has grown especially with free education but the infrastructure is not enough.

Ms Chisupa said that the Government should expand the school by building more class rooms or build another school in the area.

She said in as much as people appreciate free education parents with children in areas far from schools are failing to provide transport money for their children.