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The Independent Observer > News > Kang’ombe did not collapse-Police

Kang’ombe did not collapse-Police

Zambia Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo has refuted social media reports that Sesheke Member of Parliament Romeo Kang’ombe had collapsed due to police torture.

There is false information circulating on social media suggesting that Mr Kang’ombe who was summoned by Police in Muchinga Province collapsed after he was tortured by police.

But Ms Katongo refuted the reports that at no point did police torture the suspect and there was no incidence of him collapsing.

“Such propaganda is propelled by people whose motive is to destabilise peace and security of this nation. Therefore, members of the public should ignore such reports.

“Those involved in such propaganda will be dealt with because their conduct is tantamount to inciting violence. By writing such propaganda, the motive is to incite people to rise against authorities and as police we shall not take this lightly,” she said.

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