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The Independent Observer > News > Kamanga community riots, G12 pupil shot dead in the process

Kamanga community riots, G12 pupil shot dead in the process

Riots erupted in the early hours of today in Kamanga Community of Lusaka where a Grade 12 pupil was shot dead in the process of a fracas.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said in the early hours of today, September 27, 2020, around 01:00 hours some Police reserve officers and members of the neighborhood went to close a night club operating under the name Flavour night club in the area which was reported to have been operating after stipulated hours.

Ms Katongo said as they tried to close the premises, patrons rose against the officers and during the process of the confusion, a firearm went off and shot Timothy Zulu 17, of Kamanga Compound who has died.

“This sparked riots in which Kamanga Police post and two police motor vehicles have been damaged while one officer who was among the officers who went to pick the body of the victim has been injured.

“Calm has restored and officers are on the ground keeping vigil. An inquiry has been launched into the incident,” she said.

She has appealed to members of the public to remain calm as investigations continue in the matter.

1 Comment

  • Debros 27 Sep 2020

    “…a firearm went off..”

    I can’t believe it, not to say I support defying laws guiding operations of bars and other drinking places.
    There is just a high level of unprofessional behaviours in our police service. I want to believe they didn’t handle the situation in a professional manner having in mind that the place was full of intoxicated people.

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