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The Independent Observer > News > Kalungwishi FM set ablaze in Chiengi

Kalungwishi FM set ablaze in Chiengi

 Kalungwishi FM Radio Station in Chief Mununga of Chiengi District in Luapula province was set ablaze by unknown criminals in the early hours of today, around 01:00 hours.

Police in Luapula have since instituted an Arson investigation in which Kalungwishi FM was partly burnt.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo says the police officers who rushed to the scene found three bottles and a 20 litre container containing some petrol which is suspected to have been used to ignite the fire.

Ms Katongo said an air conditioner was burnt which was valued at K13,000 and a Transmission cable valued at K3000 bringing the total value of property destroyed to K16,000.

She said the members of the public were quick to respond to the call of distress managed to extinguish the fire, preventing the fire from spreading to other parts of the building.

“According to a security guard, Lewis Mwila aged 54 who was on duty at the time of the incident, three criminals were spotted at the radio station carrying with them bottles of petrol and begun spilling it around the radio station building and one of them set the building ablaze,” she said.

Ms Katongo said agitated members of the public apprehended two male adults aged 40 and 47 respectively.

“One of the suspects is a teacher in the area, who was spotted taking photos of the fire incidence after suspecting them to have been behind the Arson,” she said.

Ms Katongo said the police who rushed to the scene interviewed the duo and it was established that they were victims of circumstance.

“Police have instituted investigations with a view of arresting the criminals behind the crime; we appeal to those who could have information on the criminals behind this criminal act to report to the nearest police,” she said.