Kalulushi Munucipal Council has procured 37 new tablets at a total cost of K130, 906 to be used by Councillors and Management during Council and committee meetings.
The Local Authority resolved during The Information and Communication Technology Steering Committee to buy tablets for use during Council and committee meetings.
This is in a bid to reduce on the purchase of bond paper used to print minutes and fuel costs incurred during distribution of meeting notices and minutes.
And Kalulushi Deputy Mayor Paul Chivunda told Councillors that they had up to first quarter of 2021 to ensure that management implements outstanding decisions as Parliament will be dissolved after that period.

Mr Chivunda also thanked Kalulushi Municipal Council management for implementing the decision to procure tablets for use during Council meetings.
He said the purchase of these gadgets by the Council means certain expenditure such as distribution cost for meeting notices will be done away with.
He called on everyone present to embrace the transformation as the world has now modernized to use of technology.