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The Independent Observer > kalulushi > Kalulushi Constituency receives K1.6m CDF

Kalulushi Constituency receives K1.6m CDF

Kalulushi Constituency has received the 2018 Constituency Development Fund (CDF) amounting to K1.6 million.

Kalulushi Municipal Council (KMC) has confirmed of receiving K16000, 000.00 from the local government.

KMC Public Relations Manager Dorothy Sampa said the constituency Development Committee subsequently received project application and the funds were allocated to the proposed projects.

Ms Sampa said the money has been allocated to the sitting, drilling and erection of tank stand at Masamba School in Kafue Ward, electrification of a 1X3 classroom block and conversion of solar powered borehole to an electrical powered one at Buyantashi Primary School in Kafue Ward.

She also said construction of a new market at Luato Market in Kafue Ward, Siting, Drilling and installation of an Indian hand pump borehole at Fibale Primary school in Chat Ward.

Others are siting, drilling and installation of an Indian Mark II hand pump borehole at Kawama Primary school in Chat, siting, drilling and installation of a hand pump borehole at Kafubu Depot (plot area) in Chati, Siting, Drilling and installation of a hand pump borehole at Tata Waluse Area in Twaiteka Ward.

Conversion of a hand pump borehole into a submersible one and erection of tank stand at Chibote Primary School, Zambia National Service (ZNS) formation and gravelling of 36.5 Km roads in the following Wards: Kafue, Mwambashi, Kalanga, Lubuto, Remmy Chisupa and Chembe.

Ms Sampa said other project is empowering of 70 Youths, women and men groups in all Wards.


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