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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Kaloko market, new Mushili clinic gravel roads graded

Kaloko market, new Mushili clinic gravel roads graded

The two (2) critical gravel roads which have been in terrible state, the Kaloko market road in Twashuka ward and New Mushili Clinic road in Mushili ward have been graded.

Kaloko market road has been almost impassable especially in the rainy season, with huge ditches since the road has never been re-graded for many years.

Bwana Mkubwa Constituency Member of Parliament Jonas Chanda said the busy Kaloko road is a lifeline to residents of Kaloko township and that’s where the Kaloko market, bus station, Kaloko clinic and Twalubuka primary school are located.

Dr Chanda said grading of this road makes movement of vehicles for public transport, traders and others users much easier.

He said the gravel road leading to the new Mushili Clinic has also been in a bad state with the Ambulance having great difficulty while transporting patients.

“I have included both gravel roads on the C400 Road Project to be constructed as tarred roads, together with other key gravel roads like Kantolomba cemetery road, Mwenye-madando, Nile road and Kavu-Commando road.

“I also want to thank Ndola City Council through the Town Clerk Mr Wisdom Bwalya for the great help rendered in organizing the grader and fuel logistics. I wish to inform Bwana Mkubwa residents that once Government gives us the 2019 CDF, the plan is purchase a grader for the constituency which can service feeder and other gravel roads in all seven (7) wards,” he said.

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