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Kakoso Mortuary renovated

By Staff Writer
The renovation and rehabilitation works at Kakoso level one mortuary in Chililabombwe is progressing well as works are at an intermediate level.

The morgue is receiving a facelift to bring it up to modern standards.

And Chililabombwe Mayor Lucky Sichone visited the facility to appreciate the scope of works being undertaken at the mortuary.

Mr Sichone said that he was happy that the morgue will be modernized and refurbished.

He also thanked Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) for partnering with Government to renovate the structure.

The Mayor aso thanked hospital management for continuously checking on the progress of the works being done so that the facility is back in use in the shortest possible time.

Mr Sichone dispelled claims by some members of the public insinuating that the mortuary is closed because the fridges are not working.

And KCM Head Engineering for Projects Roberts Mbambiko has said the renovation of the Kakoso morgue is expected to be completed in 30 days so as to have the facility operational as soon as possible.

Eng Mbambiko also said that in the interim KCM has offered a resident it’s morgue at zero cost for storage and preparation of dead bodies for burial.

Meanwhile, Kakoso Level one Acting Hospital Administrator Goma Hellings said the mortuary has been wearing out and thankfully well-wishers like KCM have come on board to help renovate it and make it more conducive for operations.