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The Independent Observer > Book Review > Kafwaya duly elected Lunte MP

Kafwaya duly elected Lunte MP

By Maimbo Mweemba
The Constitutional Court has reversed the High Court’s decision to nullify Mutotwe Kafwaya’s Lunte parliamentary seat and declared him duly elected.

Last November, Judge Wilfred Muma who sat in Kasama, nullified the election of Kafwaya as PF Lunte Member of Parliament after he found that losing UPND candidate Chasaya Katongo proved the electoral malpractices allegations against him.

Being dissatisfied with the decision, Kafwaya appealed to the Constitutional Court.

And in a judgment passed today, Constutitional Court judge Anne Sitali reversed Kafwaya’s nullification of his seat.

She said there was no evidence on record showing that Mr Kafwaya committed electoral malpractices during last year’s elections.