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Kachibaya Civil engineer charged for corrupt practices

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in Kasama has arrested an Assistant Civil Engineer at Kanchibiya Town Council for corrupt practices involving K60, 000.

ACC spokesperson Queen Chibwe said Mr Luckson Chishimba aged 34 of Chitulika in Mpika was charged with corrupt practices by public officer.

“On dates unknown but between 1st May and 25th November 2019 in Mpika being and public officer namely assistant civil engineer employed at Kanchibiya Town Council, corruptly solicited for K60,000 cash gratification from Nathan Sinyenga, a Director at Mwalizi Trading,” she said.

Ms Chibwe said that Mr Chishimba allegedly received K15,000 in order to forego routine building inspections in respect of Kawama Rural Health Post that was being constructed by Mwalizi Trading, a matter or transaction that concerns Kanchibiya Town Council, a Public Body.

She said that Mr Chishimba has since been released on Bond and will appear in court soon.