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The Independent Observer > News > Kabanana wife killer cornered

Kabanana wife killer cornered

Residents of 15 Miles in Lusaka have executed citizen arrest on the 52-year old man of Kabanana Townahip who is alleged to have hacked his wife to death last week and hid her body under the bed of their matrimonial home.

Later he bolted he was apprehended by residents of 15 Miles this evening and handed to police.

Watson Ngambi is alleged to have used an axe and a machete to end his wife’s life after which he staffed her body in black polythene plastic, pushed it under the couple’s matrimonial bed and fled.

He later called his older brother informing him that he had murdered Agness Chabala, his
41-year-old wife.

According to police the matter happened on April 19 but was only reported to Chipwalo Police Post today by Ngambi’s relatives following the phone call.

Police Spokesperson Esther Mwata Katongo said Ngambi told that he was being bothered by his wife’s relatives on her whereabouts.

Ngambi’s relatives told police that he had informed them that his wife’s body was still in his house.

“Officers followed up the report and forced open the door to the house which was found locked and after a search, they found the body of the deceased in the bedroom under the bed wrapped in a black polythene plastic.

“Physical inspection on the body revealed that the body was half nacked with a broken left leg and was in a decomposed state. A machete and an axe stained with blood were found at the scene and are suspected to have been used in the act,” Katongo added.

She said Ngambi had been lying to his wife’s relatives that she had travelled to Mununga.

“He was apprehended today July 7, 2019 at 17:09 hours and surrendered to Police. He is currently detained in Police custody yet to be charged with Murder.

“We thank members of the public for their alertness and quick response. Policing is a collective responsibility hence members of the public should continue collaborating with the police in the fight against crime,” she said.

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