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Jumbos invade Mbala

About 12 stray elephants in Mbala district of Chief Zombe’s area have destroyed crops of maize, cassava, beans and sunflower.

The elephants are believed to have crossed from the Kasavi National Park in the neighboring Tanzania.

Chief Zombe of the Lungu people who confirmed the incident to Nais said the wild animals terrorized his chiefdom on Tuesday, leaving farmers’ fields in ruins.

Chief Zombe named Chipoma, Kasinga, Namukale, Kalambo, Kafwaka and Zombe near the palace as the areas affected.

“The people in my chiefdom are leaving in fear following the continued trend of the elephants, but the swift intervention from the Wildlife officers has brought peace among my subjects,” he said

The Department of National Parks and Wildlife senior warden in charge of the Northern Region Lackson Ng’andu said it is sad that the elephants had to cause destruction to the Mbala.

“Government is committed to providing continued security to the people of Zombe against animal attacks, there is also a need to find a lasting solution to human wildlife conflict by engaging the Tanzanian government,” he said.