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Journalists low salaries worry Kasanda

Minister of Information and Media Chushi Kasanda says she is concerned with the low salaries and poor working conditions Journalists in some media houses are exposed to.

Ms Kasanda who has described the situation as disheartening, and unacceptable that some institutions can be paying their journalists as low as K900 per month.

She has called for a meeting with media owners to establish the problem.

Ms Kasanda said like other professionals Journalists play a very important role in society and must be given the respect and dignity they deserve.

The Minister was speaking when the Zambia Media Women Association (ZAMWA) paid a courtesy call on her yesterday.

She said her Ministry will ensure that a conducive environment is created for journalists to professionally do their job.

Meanwhile, Zambia Media Women Association (ZAMWA) chairperson Caroline Kalombwe said the poor conditions of service for journalists if not addressed the situation has potential to compromise the quality of information members of the public are given.

She appealed to the Ministry of Information and Media to take keen interest in the discussions around the proposal for a sector minimum wage for journalists.

Meanwhile, Ms Kalombe has urged Government to give chance to women to lead public media institutions.

She said all public media institution have women with requisite qualifications and experience for appointment to top positions.