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The Independent Observer > News > Jealous State House cop shot himself 7 times

Jealous State House cop shot himself 7 times

The State House Police Officer who went on rampage shooting and stabbing others has shot himself seven times and died instantly.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said Constable Jackson Mwanza had initially called his friend, a fellow police officer that he wanted to handover the AK47 machine gun and he was the only one he could trust.

Ms Katongo said the friend obliged and went to the location he had been directed to.

“When he was few metres away to the location where Mwanza was, the friend called him on the phone saying he was afraid because Mwanza was armed.

“He assured him that he would put the gun down to which he did. But as the friend was approaching Mwanza picked the gun and fired on rapid in the air before turning the same gun on himself and shot himself above the stomach on rapid. There was one hole with which we can’t tell how many times he shot himself but the gun was on rapid,” she said.

Ms Katongo said 20 empty cartridges were found at the scene and the magazine was empty.

She said Mwanza had shot himself dead using an AK47 rifle today at about 07:30 hours in Chinama area at the Chinama golf course .

“He had been surrounded by officers from yesterday till today when he killed himself. His body is in UTH mortuary while the AK 47 riffle has been recovered.

“He had a lot of ammunition in the magazine which he fired in the air before shooting himself,” she said.

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