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The Independent Observer > Business > It’s not Kabemba, Kaka speaks out

It’s not Kabemba, Kaka speaks out

Former Democratic Party (DP) President Gift Kalumba has rubbished assertions that his decision to leave his party and rejoin the PF was due to power struggle with the party Spokeperson Judith Kabemba.

Mr Kalumba said the decision to leave DP was not influenced by any person as the decision was made by his personal conviction.

He said the assumptions that he left the DP due to the power struggle with the spokesperson were baseless as he had a good relationship with Ms Kabemba.

Mr Kalumba said he made the decision to leave DP on personal conviction unlike what has been reported.

He stressed that leaving DP was coincident with those who wanted to leave the party as well.

Mr Kalumba said Zambians are known to speculate whenever someone makes a decision like he did.

“I had left PF because I was not happy with what the party had become then the party was seemingly leaving the ideologies it was founded on,” he said.

Mr Kalumba who is also former Kitwe PF Publicity Secretary said that he left PF because he felt President Edgar Lungu was not well represented by the members hence the decision to resign.

He said the other reason he left the PF party was that some fundamental ideas started shifting like the campaign promises

Mr Kalumba said he had never met Harry Kalaba when he was in the PF but only got to know him after he left.

He said that there was no history connecting him to Mr Kalaba but only came to know him as one member who was mistreated in the party.

Mr Kalumba has urged the opposition parties work together as one team and foster national development.

He said his time in opposition made him aware that the opposition are always talking about the same thing hence there is need for them to unite for the benefit of the people.

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