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The Independent Observer > NEWS > It’s July 13 for Chingola delimitation scoop meeting

It’s July 13 for Chingola delimitation scoop meeting

By Bwale Mutanuka and JOHN SAKALA
Chingola Town Clerk Kabombo Mutakela says the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) will conduct delimitation scooping meeting on July 13, in readiness for the 2021 general elections.

Speaking during a media briefing in his office today, Mr Mutakela said scooping meeting would need as main stakeholders as possible to ensure that a correct submission is submitted to ECZ.

He said distance and population will be put into consideration during the delimitation of polling district, wards and constituencies.

The known and invited stakeholders are Members of Parliament, the Mayor and the area Councilors but we need more stakeholders. During the process more constituencies will be proposed to be added in Chingola to meet up with the growing population so that the elected leaders can serve the constituents better.

“The number of constituencies will be decided during the delimitation scooping meeting and submissions made towards the process,” he said.

Venue is tentatively set for Samfred Gardens but in case of any last minute changes, the residents will be communicated to.

Regarding residents who were awarded land in Gymkhana and Hellen area he said they would be shown soon after opening up of the areas is done.

He said for Hellen, the area has bad underground water due to mining related activities, hence the need for stakeholders like Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company to come on board.

The Town Clerk said in Gymkhana about six kilometres of road opening up was done but there was some resistance from squatters in the area.

He however, expressed concern with poor building being constructed in some areas.

He warned anyone that would be found building without a permit would be arrested and prosecuted to ensure that sanity prevails in construction.

Mr Mutakela said that even those building illegally would face the same measure of arrest and prosecution.



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