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The Independent Observer > Headlines > It’s easy to work with women clubs- Kabundi ward Councillor

It’s easy to work with women clubs- Kabundi ward Councillor

Kabundi Ward Councillor of Chingola Brian Banda says it is easy to work with women clubs than individuals when it comes to empowerment.

Mr Banda said for women to access empowerment they must be organized in clubs.

Speaking when he addressed a meeting organized by Twafika Women’s Club, Mr Banda said organized women are easier to work because they have the same objective.

He said it is difficult for any elected leader to empower individuals, rather it is easy to empower a group which can even account for resources given.

“These days we see women taking care of the welfare of their families not just house chores but including feeding their families. But this can only be possible with an organized women.
“Women play a vital role in the development of families, hence the need for them to be organized. I will leave K1, 000 for your confers because you are impressing me. I urge you to strategize so that you can bring improvement to your families,” he said.

Mr said he was committed to working with the women whom he promised that he will help in whichever way possible.

The women had lobbied for funds as they wanted to be rearing chickens which Mr Banda promised to help them.

And Twafika Chairperson Beauty Mulumba said the women are committed to poverty reduction and improving their livelihood.
Ms Mulumba said a mother wants her family to be happy and eat well, hence she gets involved trading, tailoring, rearing of chicken and gardening.

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