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The Independent Observer > News > Install water meters in barracks, police camps-Water PS

Install water meters in barracks, police camps-Water PS

Water Development Sanitation and Environmental Protection (MWDSEP) Permanent Secretary Mabvuto Sakala says there should be no restriction in metering houses for security wings.

Speaking at Mulonga Water yesterday, Mr Sakala said individual houses either for defence or police must be metered.

He said failure by water utilities to meter police and barracks has resulted in loss of revenue falling under the famous non-revenue water.

“Most of the household for Officers are not been metered contributing to loss of revenue. Officers are on salary like any other civil servants, hence the need for them to pay for water services.

“It is time they started paying for the water they use, this is the only way they will become take responsibility in case of leaks or broken taps.  You need to start engaging these institutions on metering in their premises. Thereafter, enforcing suctions on illegal connections as they are punishable. It not like they can’t afford to pay those bills but they know they can get away with it,” he said.

Mr Sakala said water utility companies should seek intervention that can be cross cutting and ride on private sector on non-revenue water.

He said there is need to organize a forum were utility companies should meet with the private sector and see how they can help in mitigating non-revenue water.

Mr Sakala commended Mulonga Water for the good performance in light of the challenges.

Mulonga Water Managing Director Kanyembo Ndhlovu said the company despite the challenges is doing its best to provide better service to its customers.

Mr Ndhlovu said the company has embarked on a number of projects to improve it services.

“We have a non-revenue water team with a target of repairing six leaks per person per day to save cost on non-revenue water. We are engaging Konkola Copper Mine on underground water to increase supply and improving service coverage in rural areas,” he said.

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