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The Independent Observer > Business > Indisciplined clergy need to be checked

Indisciplined clergy need to be checked

Mufumbwe District Commissioner (DC) Masela Sekeseke has urged all Christian denominations in the district to ensure that men and women given a pastoral responsibility  report to someone superior so as to maintain sanity in the church.

Ms Sekeseke said having pastors reporting to someone will help the church minimize on misconducts servants of God engage themselves in as they will be accountable to someone.

She said it is important that churches should have deliberate policies and systems whereby pastors are constantly reminded on the need to be good examples to their members and society in general.

Meanwhile, Ms Sekeseke has implored the church in the district to take advantage of the existence of the religious affairs and guidance ministry as it is established to strengthen the relationship between the church and government.

She said the creation of the ministry and constitutionalizing of Zambia as a Christian nation is evidence that government is not just committed to working with the church but also recognizes the need for the country to be led through biblical principles.

Ms Sekeseke was speaking during an ordination ceremony of Elder Clement Kasabula of the Evangelical Church in Zambia (ECZ) in Mufumbwe yesterday.

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