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Indeni fires coach Chilufya

Super Division side Indeni have fired David Chilufya and appointed assistant coach Chanda Mwape as caretaker coach.

On Saturday Chilufya launched a scathing attack on his players sayings they were denting his image after a 2-all draw with Forest Rangers.

Forest were down by two goals in the first half but rallied to settle for a 2-all draw.

Chilufya said he cannot continue coaching a team that is limited in their thinking.

According to the club’s Facebook page, club president Stephen Lilongwe confirmed that the executive decided to release the coach in their emergency meeting held yesterday.

“He is a professional and we wish him the best in his future endeavors.We reviewed his media sentiments both written and recorded and we proceeded to grant him his aspiration to leave,” he said.

Lilongwe said that teams are beaten home and away, yet coaches must swallow the outcomes and live with them.

He said assistant coach Chanda Mwape will be in temporal charge of the team.

Lilongwe said that what is important is the reputation the club will bring to the sponsors and its stakeholders and not the reputation of an individual.

“The boys are a good side and we will reorganize technical bench to realise this fact.The team is recruited based on the recommendation of the technical bench which is headed by the Head coach.Its normal for the executive committee to look for reinforcements on the technical bench if the overall coach considers the team limited in thinking,” he said.

He said the club will now focus on bringing a coach that builds a team, develops confidence in it and shoulders responsibilty for the success and defeats as they come.

Chilufya, a former Zanaco assistant trainer was engaged in May last year replacing Mathews Ndhlovu.

Indeni are on 13 th position with 16 points.