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The Independent Observer > News > Increased vandalism cases saddens Mulonga water

Increased vandalism cases saddens Mulonga water

By Staff Writer
Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation Company has expressed concern on the increased vandalism cases in Chingola.

On August 11, 2022 unknown people vandalised and uprooted a 4 inch HDPE water pipe.

The vandalism resulted to interruption of water supply in Kabundi North Extension for six days.

The vandalised pipe has since been replaced and water supply in the area has been restored.

MWSC Acting Communication Manager, Debora Kangende has urged the community to join in the fight against vandalism and theft by reporting such acts to the police or Mulonga Offices.

She said vandalism impact negatively on the operations of the Company.

Ms Kangende also said that the damage is a huge cost and a struggle to the efforts of improving the service delivery and cautioned the community that vandalism is a serious offence.