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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Increased number of people displaced by floods worries DMMU

Increased number of people displaced by floods worries DMMU

The Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) is saddened by the increasing number of people being displaced and affected due to floods.

The latest being Kasempa in North-Western, Lusangazi in Eastern and Sikongo in Western province.

DMMU National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe says approximately 1,300 people in the three districts have been affected by floods and in need of relief support from government.

In addition to people being displaced, a health post, a school and a bridge have been damaged and in need of rehabilitation in Lusangazi district.

Mr Kabwe said that crop fields have also been affected and Government through DMMU and the Ministry of Agriculture will provide input for winter maize cropping in order to ensure food security of the affected households.

He disclosed that Government through DMMU has since provided 7,200 x 25kg bags of mealie meal, 95 x 50kg bags of beans, 200 dignity sets, 370 kitchen sets, 70 tents, 340 blankets, 170 mosquito nets, 872 x2lts cooking oil, 140 x 50kg bags of sugar, 100 boxes of dates, 3,000 face masks, 2 school tents and 4 boxes of school materials.

Mr Kabwe said DMMU officers working with the Zambia Air Force, are currently on the ground to continue offering the required support in the three districts to ensure normalcy is restored.

He has further urged the affected communities to remain calm and also adhere to the Covid-19 guidelines by wearing the face masks provided and washing their hands frequently in order to protect themselves.