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Increase budget allocation toward youth empowerment


World Youth and Leadership Foundation says it is expecting an increment of at least 35 percent in the budget allocations towards Youth empowerment.

WYLF Director General Nalishebo Nyambe said this will encourage youths participation in employment creation and economic development.

Mr Nyambe said the UPND Government should take this as an opportunity to learn from the the former government’s achievements and mistakes made if they are to successfully empower youths in the country.

He said that the K470 million which was launched by the patriotic front Government wasn’t enough to support youth empowerment because it left thousands of youths unsupported

Mr Nyambe said they is need for the current Government to find ways and means of improving the budget allocation.

“Every year we see thousands of millions of youths graduating from thousands of universities and colleges in Zambia yet no employment and the population of youths is increasing every single day a situation which has left most graduates to join drugs and alcohol abuse some prostitutions and others have became criminals because there is no future prepared for them in the society,” he said.

He said the budget should also adress issues of skills development facilities in rural areas so that youths can access trainings within their localities.

Mr Nyambe said as a Youth organisation want young people in rural areas venturing in agriculture and supporting value addition.

“WYLF further believes that Zambia is a home of thousands of Millions of opportunites which needs more concerted effort and resources from both the Goverment and the community to instill a positive mindset change and attract youths to make use of,” he said.