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Imposters chiefs causing succession wrangles – Chief Tafuna


Senior Chief Tafuna of the Lungu people in Mpulungu has accused some imposters jumping on the throne of traditional leadership after the death of the incumbent, as the ones causing succession wrangles.

Speaking at the installation ceremony of the new Chief Mukupa Kaoma in Lunte district, Chief Tafuna said he was saddened by succession wrangles in some chiefdom.

Chief Tafuna said the traditional leadership does not want succession wrangles because this deters development in the respective areas.

He said because of political interference, this has now become the order of the day.

“We are always saddened in the sense that, in certain cases we still have imposters because when one chief dies, the other one jumps on the throne. We don’t want succession wrangles because they deter development” he said.

The Royal Lungu Chiefdom installed Joseph Kamana as Chief Mukupa Kaoma following the death of the former Chief Mukupa Kaoma in July last year, after serving the throne for a period of 5 years.

And speaking when he officiated at the installation ceremony, Technology and Science Minister Felix Mutati said it was gratifying that the new chief had been installed.

Mr Mutati said government also wants to see to it that Lunte district administration is quickly setup because delays to have this in place will deprive the area opportunities of development and jobs creation.

Meanwhile, Chief Mwamba of the Bemba people who represented Paramount Chief Chitimukulu said there is no opposition in traditional leadership hence, all the people should unite with the new chief.