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The Independent Observer > Letters > I’m a girl, I need help to go back to school

I’m a girl, I need help to go back to school

Dear Editor,

I’m Patience Sautale aged 18 years currently staying in Chingola. My father is a Zimbabwean and I never met him in my life.

My mother is married but step father started following to my bedroom and fondling my breasts so I opted to stay where I can be safe.

I was staying with my Uncle Collins Mwambenu in Kasonpe but he died then I moved to my grandmother Christine Antonio Mwambenu but she died too.

I need to go back to school in Grade 9 but I have no money and I have nowhere to stay.

At the moment I’m staying with a Good Samaritan a retired police officer at the farm in Chingola behind Zalawi.

I visited Social Welfare Office in Chingola and they said they have no grants.

Please help me go back to school and find where to stay even in an orphanage.

Call: 0966-559173

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