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The Independent Observer > Politics > I’ll undertake community driven projects-Martin Simwaba

I’ll undertake community driven projects-Martin Simwaba

PF’s Kasala Ward candidate Martin Simwaba says he will be undertaking community driven projects to ensure they have community owership.

Speaking with The Independent Observer, Mr Simwaba said executing projects that aren’t community driven they become white elephants.

He said does not impose ideals when he has the mandate to lead.

Mr Simwaba said that he doesn’t believe in imposing ideas and projects on the people but he will serve according to what the people want.

He said that people have to choose what they want to be worked on because they feel the pinch of challenges in the ward and understands what they need.

Mr Simwaba said that working as a people’s servant entails a leader should be a good listener to the people’s needs in the community.

“I cant just work up one day simply because am Councillor and tell people that we are going to fence all your houses. I then justify it saying it will will make the ward look clean and security will be assured but in the meanwhile the people have not approved my thinking. That is not the way it should be,” he said.

He said a good leader is one that sits down with the people, understands and appreciates their challenges before he implements decisions.

Mr Simwaba vowed to represent the people of Kasala ward and present their challenges to the relevant offices that will tackle them if given an opportunity to be a Councillor.