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IG warns against lawlessness

Inspector General of Police Lemmy Kajoba has warned against lawlessness perpetrated by criminals disguising themselves as cadres.

Mr Kajoba said that all those that would want to take the path of criminality under the guise of politics or any other motive should know that their time to answer to criminal charges is slowly catching up with them.

He has warned those offenders who have temporarily managed to elude the long arm of the law that they should not in any way feel safe where ever they may be.

“I further want to emphatically state that my Command will not in any way apply the law selectively but shall ensure that all persons are protected from criminality and that they enjoy their human rights and freedoms as enshrined in the Constitution. In achieving this, Police shall ensure that law and order is maintained by reaching out to all those whose behaviour will be contrary to the provisions of the law irrespective of their status in society,” he said.

The IG said from the disturbing incidences that have happened about 10 people have been arrested for various offences who will be appearing in Court.

He said Zambia Police has been mandated by the Constitution to ensure that law and order prevails in the country through protection of citizen’s rights and freedoms.

Mr Kajoba has called on members of the public who could have fallen victim of such misconduct to quickly report to the nearest police so that perpetrators are brought to book.

“I wish to reiterate that my command shall not allow any form of lawlessness , I therefore, expect police officers to be swift in responding to reports made by members of the public so that we can quickly get rid of criminals tormenting people in community,” he said.