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IG directs police commanders to take action against violence


Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja has directed Police Commanders in all Provinces to take action against political violence.

Mr Kanganj also said it includes those in operations deployed to police elections to be firm and ensure that public misconduct is brought to a halt during this period when poll day is approaching.

He said no one should watch violence being perpetrated under their watch without any action being taken.

Mr Kanganja said officers have been given policing equipment to be used to quell any public misconduct and a legal framework within which to operate.

He said political cadres should not be allowed to carry their day in abrogating the law.

“Deal with them and deal with them sternly in line with the provisions of the law. I am aware that a good number of perpetrators of crime have already been brought to book, however in all areas where these criminals are still enjoying their freedom, ensure that they are caged without any undue delay. I want to see quickened investigations and no stone should be left unturned,” he said.

He has urged politicians to conduct they activities within the confines of the law or be behind bars during the time of elections.

Mr Kanganja said cadres should watch their conduct or they will have themselves to blame.