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IDC Commends Zambia Airways for announcing launch date

The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) has commended the Zambia Airways Board for announcing  September, 30, 2021  as the date for commercial operationalization of the National Carrier.

IDC Group CEO, Mr Mateyo Kaluba, said the operationalization of the National carrier will play a catalytic role in reviving the tourism industry which has been negatively impacted by the Covid-19 global pandemic.

Mr Kaluba  further commended the Board, Management and staff of Zambia Airways on the attainment of the key milestone and for the professional manner in which they have managed the fulfillment of regulatory requirements that were a pre-requisite to the launch date of the National carrier.

He  reiterated that the Shareholders quest to ensure that the Airline operates as a commercial enterprise so as to achieve viability and return on investment.

“I strongly urge the Board and management to manage the airline in accordance with international best practice. They have the responsibility to make Zambia Airways an airline that will bring pride and jobs to the Zambian people,” he said.

Mr Kaluba  said that he was confident Zambia Airways would soar to greater heights as it leverages on the newly commissioned Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in Lusaka and Simon Mwansa Kapwepewe Airport in Ndola.

This is contained in a statement issued by Namakau Mukelabai, Head of Corporate Communication Industrial Development Corporation.