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I will change the face of Chiwempala– PF Candidate Rhoda Mulenga

PF Chiwempala ward Candidate Rhoda Mulenga says that she will deliver according to People’s expectations if given chance on August 12 elections.

Ms Mulenga said she has the heart for the people and will work well with the community.

She said she knows and understands the challenges the community is facing because she has stayed in the area for too long.

Ms Mulenga said the challenges of water problem especially in Malemba area, blocked drainages, deplorable access roads, poor garbage collection, and no modern Market shelters at Chiwempala and Malemba.

She said given the mandate, all these problems will be a thing of the past because she will ensure that there are addressed by relevant offices.

I will ensure that boreholes are sunk at Malemba area, access roads graded, proper designated area for waste disposal and the two markets Malemba and Chiwempala to have modern shelter through CDF funds.

“I promise not to disappoint the people of Chiwempala, I will make sure that I deliver their expectations as we work together as a team,” she said.

Ms Mulenga has urged the people to vote for her and the PF Government because of the developmental projects the PF has done in the country.

She said the Leadership of President Lungu leaves no one behind, and people should rally behind the Pf Government for the betterment of this country.