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The Independent Observer > News > High Court throws out Kambwili’s expulsion case

High Court throws out Kambwili’s expulsion case

High Court judge Maria Kawimbe has thrown out NDC consultant Chishimba Kambwili’s matter in which he asked the court to nullify his expulsion from the Patriotic Front on a technicality.

In July 2017, Kambwili sued the PF seeking a declaration order that the decision of the party’s central committee to expel him was illegal, wrongful, null and void.

In his statement of claim, the former information minister cited PF secretary general Davies Mwila as the Defendant.

Kambwili wanted the court to declare that his rights under the PF constitution were infringed by not giving him a chance to face his charges and further sought an order that the PF central committee could not be complainant, accuser and judge in its own case against him.

But when the matter came up today, judge Kawimbe threw out the case, saying it appeared the Plaintiff was not serious about proceeding with the matter/Diggers.

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