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High Court criminal sessions opened in Solwezi

The Honourable Chief Justice, of Zambia Justice Dr Mumba Malila, has graced the launch of the Provincial Judge designated in Solwezi where the Resident Judge Justice Derrick Mulenga officially opened High Court criminal sessions in Solwezi district marking commencement of the new legal year.

At the same occasion, Chief Justice announced launch of placement of Resident Judges in provincial centres among them Solwezi, a move he said will have tangible long-term benefits through enhancement of accessibility to justice and accelerate the disposal of criminal cases.

The Chief Justice acknowledged that people outside the line of rail have over the years had considerable difficulties accessing superior courts where the nature of their grievances demanded that their complaints be taken up in such courts.

The practice particularly in Solwezi had been that the Resident Judge for Kitwe High Court had to travel, preside over matters and travel back thereby delaying disposal of cases.

However, that practice is a thing of the past as Justice Derrick Mulenga has been designated as the Provincial Resident Judge who will be stationed in Solwezi, a move which has elated the Mayor Remmy Kalepa.

The Chief Justice who was accompanied the Deputy Chief Justice Justice Michael Musonda, Judges of the Supreme and High Courts, among other legal Counsels, inspected offices in the old Civic Centre building set aside for establishment of the High Court; where he expressed gratitude to the municipality for identifying and making available space for the said purpose.

This is contained in a statement issued by Solwezi Municipal Council Assistant Public Relations Manager Esther Chirwa.