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Henry Chilombo promises hard work to Lufwanyama

Lufwanyama 2021 Parliamentary constituency aspiring candidate Henry Chilombo says he is not promising paradise to the people of Lufyanyama but commitment and hard work.

Mr Chilombo said that he is aware of the challenges that the people are facing as he has stayed with them from childhood.

He was speaking to the people of Kangalati community in Bulaya Ward as he has embarked on a tour of Lufwanyama parliamentary constituency’s 61 polling stations to meet electorates.

Mr Chilombo told the people that President Edgar Lungu has a well outlined transformational development agenda for the people of Lufwanyama.

He said Lufwanyama should redeem itself by voting for PF candidates at elective positions.

Mr Chilombo said his leadership style will approach the people on the grass root to align and drive the development agenda.

“Aim in Bulaya Ward to gather your challenges you facing not t5o promise you paradise as iam going round on a marathon tour of all 61 Polling stations doted across Lufwanyama,” .

He paid tribute to past and current area Members of Parliament for Lufwanyama who have served the people at some point.

The meeting was attended by PF Ward Officials lead by Chairman Chisono, Ward Development Committee Chairman Charles Bwalya, 5 headmen and the community themselves.

Speaking earlier, Bulaya Ward Chairman said that his executive committee will work and support, it’s Constituency Information Publicity Secretary, Henry Chilombo for the position of Member of Parliament for Lufwanyama parliamentary constituency.