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The Independent Observer > Business > IDC appoints Zambia Airways board members

IDC appoints Zambia Airways board members

The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) Group Chief Executive Officer Mateyo Kaluba, has announced the appointment of members of the Board of Directors for the Zambia Airways.

The appointment of the board is with immediate effect.

Those appointed are Bonaventure Mutale State Counsel, a senior member of the legal profession and Former Attorney General, Robinson Misitala, an aeronautical Engineer, aircraft accidents investigations specialist and Aviation business Executive who previously served as Managing Director at National Airports Corporation and Misheck Lungu, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Transport and Communication.

The other members of the Board appointed in line with the Shareholders Agreement between IDC and Ethiopian Airlines are Tewolde GebreMariam, the Group Chief Executive Officer for Ethiopian Airlines, Ms Rahel Assefa – Vice President Marketing for Ethiopian Airlines and Mr Kassim Geresu – Vice President Internal Audit & Compliance for Ethiopian Airlines.

An additional member of the Board representing IDC will be appointed later, bringing the number of IDC appointees to four.

The Chair of the Board will be selected from the members representing the IDC.

Mr Kaluba said the new board will spearhead the process to operationalize Zambia Airways.

“The skills mix and vast experience of the board members gives us the confidence that we have the right team to actualize the joint investment between IDC and Ethiopian Airlines”, he said.

The appointment of the Board marks an important milestone in the establishment of a national airline. The Board will take the necessary steps to ensure all the regulatory requirements to operationalize the airline are met as well as put in place a competent management team.

He further said, the board will have regular interactions with the media and the general public to ensure effective communication and information sharing with the general public.

Mr Kaluba has since congratulated the new members and wished them well as they take on the responsibility to make Zambia Airways an airline that will bring pride and jobs to the Zambian people.

Zambia Airways is a partnership with Ethiopian Airlines.

This is according to a media statement by IDC Public Relations Manager Namakau Mukelabai.

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