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The Independent Observer > Sports > Hatred shown towards Kalu was too much

Hatred shown towards Kalu was too much

By Barney Kanjela
What amazes in this country is how much hatred people have for God’s creatures who they have never met or even talked to on the phone.

Even Jesus is shaking his head at this hatred.

Kalu gets banned from all football matches, they ululate and celebrate (what is their benefit?

The current executive can ululate and dance, it is in order because they see him as a competitor)

Banning of Kalu did not deprive me of anything or did it add anything to my table.

All that I know is that he represented the country well and with passion.

He came and joined the new Zambia national team after the Gabon Disaster, he is the only footballer below the equator to be voted African footballer of the year among others.

To me, he is a sportsman and a gentleman.

Now, to those who ululated and danced when he was banned, what activity will you perform now? Spit in his eye???

Come on! Some of you even went to church last Sunday and even attended the national prayer day and fasted.

This hatred for fellow Zambians is too much!!!

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