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The Independent Observer > OS > Halting construction of Lusaka/Ndola dual carriage lack of planning

Halting construction of Lusaka/Ndola dual carriage lack of planning

Dear Editor
The halting of construction of Lusaka Ndola dual carriageway by Road Development Agency has brought to the fore a lot of things among them, exposing lack of diligent planning by RDA or government.

First and foremost, when the bill of quantities (BOQ) was done for the construction of this roan at US$1.2million, a lot of Zambians were against and actually advised government to revisit the negotiations because the value was exorbitant.

Now that RDA is saying the halting of the construction of this dual carriage is becauase of financialo constraints by the Ministry of Finance to the Agency.

For a starter, there are about five toll gates between the two towns of Ndola and Lusaka and there are huge cashing everyday through NFRA and one wonders why, these same funds cannot fund the project.

Surely it is madness to think a foreign entity would fund a project of this magnitude in the election period without taking care of the safety of their interests.

It is high time we start making completed projects start funding new ones without looking at contracting a huge debt to just beautify the nation with good looking infrastructure while the majority citizens are wllowing in abjact poverty.

Let the Tollgates start funding the construction or/and maintaining the in-between roads, we collect a lot of revenue from these tollgates and should therefore use such revenue prudently as a nation.
Wisdom Muyunda