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Govt worried about money scammers

Government has expressed concern over huge sums of money stolen from unsuspecting citizens by online scammers and mobile money fraudsters.

Technology and Science Minister Felix Mutati is saddened that the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority -ZCTA- has continued to receive reports of people who have lost huge monies through fraud.

Mr Mutati said government is not paying a blind eye to the concerns and that a task force will soon be constituted to address issues around Cyber crime and mobile money fraud.

The Minister has told journalists at a press briefing in Lusaka that the situation needs to be dealt with as soon as possible for people to freely carry out their transactions.

He added that ZICTA is currently carrying out sensitisation to curb online scammers and mobile money fraudsters.

Meanwhile, Mr Mutati has disclosed that Cabinet approved in principle the repeal and replacement of the apprenticeship Act of the Technical Education, Vocation and Entrepreneurship Training Authority-TEVET