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The Independent Observer > News > Govt urged to clarify on teacher’s replacement list

Govt urged to clarify on teacher’s replacement list

By Staff Writer
Chipangali Town Council Chairperson Maxson Nkhoma says that the Minister of Education should clarify reports of replacement list on newly recruited teachers.

 Mr Nkhoma said government should give the official position about a replacement list to be compared of teachers who were not selected to replace those who will not report in various schools.

He said these reports have become a talk of the day in the community and as such it is very important and imperative for government to clarify as a lot of people have visited his office for clarity.

“The Minister has the obligation of stating clearly whether it is true or not that the government has started developing a teacher replacement list or not. If it true that the government is preparing a replacement list, the method and criteria being used to select those on the replacement list must be stated categorically clear so that all qualified and deserving teachers are given an equal opportunity to apply,” he said.

Mr Nkhoma said if these rumors are not cleared it would result in unscrupulous people taking advantage of desperate trained teachers who were left out to extort money by telling them fake stories.

He said as a matter of urgency and serious importance the Minister of education must address the nation on these issues and give a clear roadmap on the next recruitment exercise of teachers which will be conducted by the government.