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Govt told to be bold in decision making

Opposition Party for National Unity and Progress (PNUP) President Highvie Hamududu says that there is need for government to be bold and make informed decisions, if the country is to resolve the current economic status.

Mr Hamududu said that the economic situation has been off balance in the recent years that is why Government should research and make policies that traces to the root cause of the economic problems.

Speaking to The Independent Observer in an interview, Mr Hamududu said that time for politicking and basking in election victory is over.

“The country does not need populism but researched policies, that will attack the root cause of our problems as a country, without that we will never make progress, we therefore urge government to put politics aside and concentrate on what works and make right decisions and policies as opposed to making pronouncements that will impress masses ” he said.

Mr Hamududu said that the economic status requires all sectors that are attached to the economy to be addressed fundamentally and face the challenges head on.

“Government should basically explain to Zambians the depth of the problem and the way out of this problem hence Government has to make hard decisions, because time to please and be nice to everyone is now over, work must begin, we lack seriousness, we change want governments but we lack the requirements of changing the fortunes of the country for the better and improve the living standards, which can be done because we have the potential,” he said.

Mr Hamududu also encouraged Zambians to continue working hard and always ask from government because those in government are the people’s servants.

He implored Zambians to be helpful to Government as it should also be available and ready to be interrogated on policies and actions taken to improve the welfare of the country.