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Govt to vaccinate cattle in Choma

By Staff Writer
Choma District Livestock Coordinator Alex Hachangu says government has procured over 10,000 doses of Chitongo Vaccine to vaccinate about 10,000 herds of cattle in the District.

Dr Hachangu said the vaccination is aimed at boosting the immune system of animals with a target of calves aged between 4 months to 1 year.

He urged farmers to ensure that all their animals that are in the aforementioned age group be vaccinated to help fight diseases.

“The vaccination exercise is targeting calves that are aged between 4 months to 1 year and 6 months and is meant to boost the immune system of cattle,” he said.

Dr Hachangu also said that the government has subsidized the price and each calf will be vaccinated at a cost of K50.

He has advised farmers to continue dipping their animals correctly and frequently even after they are vaccinated to help eradicate the tick-borne diseases that are currently killing farmers.

“Farmers should be dipping their animals even after they are vaccinated. Vaccinated animals will also still be at risk of dying from tick borne diseases,” he said.

And Dr Hachangu has cautioned veterinary extension officers against charging farmers for the transportation of the drugs.

“I have received complaints from farmers that there are some officers that ask for money from farmers for transport and other things when the government provides for all the logistics. This needs to end as anyone that will be found wanting will face the law,” he said.