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Govt to harmonies its trade balance with China

Foreign Affairs Minister  Joseph Malanji says Zambia is committed to harmonizing its  trade balance with China.

Mr Malanji said the government wants to ensure that trade is harmonized in order for both countries to have a win-win situation with regards to trade volumes.

The Minister was speaking during a bilateral meeting held with Assistant Foreign Affairs Minister of the People’s Republic of China, Chen Xiaodong in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia today.

He said Zambia wants to ensure that it exports more finished products to China and attain a status of being a middle income country by 2030.

The Minister said Zambia appreciated the bilateral relations between the two countries that were anchored on solidarity, mutual respect, practical cooperation and mutually reinforced interests.

And the Minister said Zambia attaches great importance to Peace and security not only in SADC but the region as a whole.

He said it was impossible to achieve sustainable development in the absence of peace and security.

The Minister urged the Chinese Government to assist Zambia with support in coordinating peace efforts in the region and the continent at large.

On the United Nations Security Council, the Minister said Zambia stands by the common African position that two permanent seats should be reserved for Africa.

And Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong said China valued the bilateral relation that exists between the two countries.

He said despite the negative perception about the China Africa relations; Zambia has not withered in its support for the cooperation that China has brought to Africa.

The assistant Minister commended President Edgar Lungu for his commitment in ensuring that the projects being undertaken by the Chinese government in Zambia benefited both nations.

He also commended Zambia for its commitment in maintaining peace on the continent.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs is in Addis Ababa Ethiopia to attend the 34th Ordinary session of the Executive Council of the African Union that officially opens tomorrow.

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