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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Govt should counter high cost of living

Govt should counter high cost of living

By Staff Writer
Golden Party of Zambia president Jackson Silavwe says Government must counter the high cost of living with low cost of doing business.

Mr Silavwe said the main objective of countering the high cost of living with low cost of doing business is to give individuals and businesses increased spending power.

He said it is slowly dawning on many Zambians that reducing the cost of living may not be a reality before the 2026 elections.

“Nevertheless, President HH and his government can counter the high cost of living with the low cost of doing business especially for local businesses. Zambian’s must spend to keep the economy alive and fluid,” he said.

Mr Silavwe said President HH should direct his economic council to study indepth the cost of doing business and registration and come up with recommendations that will truly lower the cost of doing business.