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Govt releases K805 million CDF for the first quarter

By Staff Writer 
Government has released K805 million for Constituency Development Fund for first quarter for 2021.

Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Gary Nkombo announced to the nation that the Treasury has today March 30, 2022, released a total of K805 million of the Constituency Development Fund-CDF.

Mr Nkombo said the amount which is for the first quarter of this year, will be shared among all the 156 Constituencies countrywide.

He said that the funds released are earmarked for various community projects, youth and women empowerment for the first quarter of this year.

Mr Nkombo said, of the K805 million released, each Constituency will receive K5.1 million for the first quarter to enable them implement various developmental projects.

The Minister has since implored all Local Authorities countrywide to be mindful of the cost of goods and services as they implement projects.

He implored all Local Authorities to expedite the process of finalizing the identified projects that need to be funded to ensure smooth works.

Mr Nkombo also announced that the Ministry has today disbursed the remaining Funds amounting to K99, 268,342.47 for the bursaries for secondary schools and skills training for the first quarter of this year.

“As a Ministry and owing to the doubts in the absorption capacity of Local Authorities and the identification of the beneficiaries, 50% was released in February this year, and today the remaining balance amounting to K99, 268,342.47 to cover the first quarter of this year of the secondary school and skills training bursaries has been released,” he stated.

Mr Nkombo said, by releasing the whole amount of the secondary school and skills training bursaries, the Government has fully funded the education sector for the first quarter of this year.

He urged all the beneficiaries, the applicants, the Councils, Constituency Development Fund Committees and the Ward Development Committees to make sure that they expedite the process so that all funds released are fully absorbed.