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The Independent Observer > NEWS > Govt owes Times Printpak K8m but workers go on forced fasting

Govt owes Times Printpak K8m but workers go on forced fasting

By Staff Writer
Activists for Justice and Development (AJUDE) says the state owned media Times Printpak the publishers of Times of Zambia is owed over K8 million by government.

AJUDE said despite being owed such an amount the employees at the Times are forced to go on forced fasting as they are unable to manage to buy and pay for necessities.

Speaking in an interview, AJUD National Coordinator Benny Muyangwa said has petitioned government to release over the K8 million owed to Times of Zambia through advertising by several ministries and institutions.

Mr Muyangwa said failure by government to release the funds has led to workers not being paid for the last two months and are still owed eight months in salary arrears.

“Employees at the government controlled media are failing to pay school fee, marriages are breaking let alone cannot meet the very basic social needs such as paying rentals.

“Government should show that it has the heart of Zambians by paying the employees,” he said.

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