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The Independent Observer > mr mabumba > Govt launches strategy to feed 2 million school children

Govt launches strategy to feed 2 million school children

Minister of Education David Mabumba has launched the 2020/2024 National Home-Grown Meals strategy for schools.

Mr Mabumba says the strategy is aimed at reaching a target of two million school children.

He explained that government will ensure successful implementation of the strategy by decentralising the procurement system to enable schools buy food from holder farmers nearby.

Mr Mabumba said the Ministry will conduct capacity building Programmes for teachers to implement the programme.

He was speaking in a speech read on his behalf by Education Permanent Secretary Jabbin Mulwanda.

Mr Mabumba however says government is working with cooperating partners such as the UN systems and the World Food Program in the implementation of the programme.

At the same function, Mr. Mabumba disclosed that all examination classes across the country are following laid down health guidelines on COVID 19.

And World Food Programme Country Director Jennifer Bitonde said 72 percent of African Countries have adopted the home-grown school feeding model.

Meanwhile, United Nations-UN Resident Representative Coumba Gadio has pledged support to the strategic that has been launched.

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