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Govt implementing promises-Kasanda

Chief Government Spokesperson Chushi Kasanda says on the basis of the 2022 national budget, Government has started implementing some of the key provisions in the budget.

Ms Kasanda said that Government has not backtracked on its promise delivery it made Zambians; contrary to insinuations by some people that Government is not honoring its promises.

Ms Kasanda said that the recruitment of 30, 000 teachers and 11, 200 heath workers, administrative processes has advanced.

“The Minister of Education is expected to make a ministerial statement in Parliament in which he will among other things announce the roadmap on the recruitment exercise and the Ministry of Health is equally working on a roadmap and modalities on the recruitment of the 11, 200 health workers,” she said.

Ms Kasanda said that Government is bound to implement every budgeted project, as it is serious about fulfilling the promises to the Zambian people.

“Government is dismantling of arrears for retirees, some of whom had been waiting for many years and the clearing of payment arrears that were owed to farmers who supplied maize and other farm produce to the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) in the 2020/2021 farming season,” she said.

Ms Kasanda said that Government has started rolling out free education policy and funds have since been disbursed to schools countrywide for their operations.

She said effective January 1, 2022; children at Government schools from early childhood to secondary have not paid any school fees, which has seen children who had dropped out of school due to lack of financial support from their parents going back to school.

Ms Kasanda said that civil servants’ salaries which had been stagnant for some time have been increased them substantially in keeping with Government’s commitment to improve the workers welfare.

“The Government has also stepped up the disbursement of the social cash transfer to over one million beneficiaries as provided for in the 2022 national budget.

“Last week, the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Garry Nkombo launched the guidelines on the implementation of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) in readiness to commence the disbursement of funds to the constituencies,” part of the statement on her Facebook page read.