A total of K1.1 billion has been collected in form of toll gate fees at all toll collection points which constitute ten border points and two inland toll stations.
Works and Supply minister Ronald Chitotela has told Parliament in a ministerial statement today that on average, the national tolling programme is accounting for monthly collections amounting to K39 million.
He says his ministry plans to roll out 40 new tolling stations by the end of 2017.
Mr Chitotela says the main objective is to exponentially increase non tax revenue in the form of toll fees which will be channeled towards road maintenance programmes.
He explains that in the second phase, his ministry will roll out an additional ten sites by the end of 2016 of which four sites are earmarked for conventional toll plazas which will cost K100 million.

Mr Chitotela states that the revenue raised from the toll gates will be used for road rehabilitation and maintenance without resorting to the high costs of borrowing.
And Mr. Chitotela disclosed that government is planning to revise the toll gate fees by 100%.
Source: QFM